Advanced Protection

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S300 V3 only


Advanced protection options use the S300 V3 analog inputs and engine information to intelligently shut down the engine when the conditions might be dangerous to the engine.  When the advanced protection is triggered, the fuel injectors are shut down until the engine speed falls below 2000 rpm or the throttle if fully closed.


The advanced protection uses one or two conditions, which can be combined with 'OR', which will trigger the protection is either one of the conditions is true, or 'AND', which will only trigger when both conditions are true.


Example 1

Low oil pressure protection.



This only will trigger over 2500 rpm when the oil pressure drops below 60 psi.


Example 2

Low fuel pressure protection.



This will only trigger in boost if the fuel pressure drops below 65 psi.


Example 3

Lean protection (note there is separate lean protection which can be used, but this will trigger from the S300 analog input).



This will only trigger in boost if the lambda goes leaner than 13:1